Annual General Meeting

Notice of Annual General Meeting of Members

Annual Membership dues ($35.00) will be accepted at the door.

The annual meeting of the Canadian Chestnut Council will take place on Sunday, Oct. 27th, 1:00pm. The meeting will take place both virtually and in person. In person reception begins at noon. Please mark your calendars.

The meeting will also be conducted virtually using Microsoft Teams software.

The meeting will be held for the purpose of conducting the affairs of the Council including:

  1. Receiving and considering the Council’s financial reports for the year ending, September 30, 2023.
  2. Confirming and approving all acts and proceedings of Directors and officers in 2022/2023.
  3. Election of New or Returning Directors of the Council for the 2023/2024 operating year.
  4. Confirmation of the Executive of the Council
  5. Business Arising

For In – person Attendance – The reception of in-person attendees will begin at 12:00pm.

For Virtual Attendance – The link for the Team meeting is below. While the link will be open
beginning at 12:30 pm, the actual meeting will begin at 1:00pm.

ZOOM meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 876 3716 0428
Passcode: 502750

The meeting will be followed by:
  • Report of the Chair (Ron Casier)
  • CCC Summary of Field Activities 2023 / 2024 (Dragan Galic)
  • Modelling the Restoration Potential of Ontario’s American Chestnuts (Sophia Stolz, University of Guelph)